Welcome to the 2018 Georgia State Doubles Championships!
Sign-up here: http://www.r2sports.com/tourney/viewTourneySponsors.asp?TID=29822
Dates: Saturday December 1st & Sunday December 2nd
Place: Recreation ATL – Lilburn, GA
Entry Requirements: Must be a current USA Racquetball member. Event is open to all players. Out of state players must be paired with a Georgia player.
Divisions: Skill and Age groups for Men’s & Women’s Doubles, and Skill divisions for Mixed Doubles. More details on divisions available during the registration process.
Entry Fees: $50 first & $25 second event for all divisions.
$10 early entry discount for online entries received by 11PM on Friday November 23rd.
Referees: All match winners will be required to referee or forfeit.
Official Ball: ProPenn HD (Purple)
Hospitality: Tournament shirt will be provided for all participants. Lunch on Saturday & Sunday for all participants. Limited snacks & drinks will be available during the event, please plan on bringing your own.
If you have questions about this event, please contact Michael Miller and Will Costanza at grpatournaments@earthlink.net.
Please contact us if you are interested in sponsorship opportunities.
Please join GRPA on Facebook and follow @GA_Racquetball on Twitter!