
Recent Sponsors:

Williams Accounting
Galaxy Custom Printing
CME Wire and Cable
Goliath Exteriors
State Farm – Aaron Frazier
Foundation Repair Services, Inc.

Be a GRPA Sponsor

Businesses, groups, and/or individuals may be recognized as association sponsors.  Sponsors may have their logo included on the tournament shirt and will be listed as tournament sponsors on this website and all published tournament materials. You may also sponsor anonymously.

Sponsor an Event

Businesses, groups, and/or individuals may sponsor racquetball tournaments at the following levels:

  • $100+ per event
  • provide one meal per event
  • provide shirts per event
  • provide tournament facilities for any event

Donations in any amount are willingly accepted at any time.  Any amount collected in excess of our operating costs will be deposited into a fund used to help needy athletes participate in national tournaments as representatives of the GRPA.